The Announced Tragedy

Rujitanont Thanut

Thailand〡2023〡Ani〡Color, B&W〡10 min〡English

✧2024泰國影評人協會獎 入圍

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A time-space conservation of a house.


Rujitanont Thanut

Thanut Rujitanont is a Thai animation artist. He holds a RE:ANIMA European Joint Master’s degree in Animation from Belgium, Finland and Portugal, and is currently a PhD candidate at Griffith Film School, Australia. He does animation as a thinking process and a daily chore, in the forms of text and moving images, to contemplate his fields of interest. He founded his studio Graphy Animation in 2021, which has actively expanded animation culture in Thailand and abroad.

11.10 ㊐ 10:00〡台南新光影城 4 廳
11.13 ㊂ 10:00〡台南新光影城 4 廳〡 Q&A session with the Director
同場放映:《My Pen Is Blue, 》《紅翅膀》《巛- - - 谷》
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11.08 ㊄ 19:50〡台南新光影城 4 廳〡動畫馬拉松
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Memory is a form of action. Even though remembering is related to the past, we rewrite our memories in the present when we recall them. Animation transforms time and space and can be considered a tool that recreates and re-edits the fragmented notions of time that characterize the human cognitive process. In this sense, animation is highly suited as a means of memory preservation as it embraces the unreliability of memories in an honest way, excluding itself from issues of credibility of documentation, which other media such as photography and video are undergoing due to their nature of having a referent in real life.
