There Is A Place



Hong Kong, England|2004|Dance|Color|28 min|No Dialogue 

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Winner of the Jury Award Best ‘Screen-dance Short’ at 2011 San Francisco Dance Film Festival, There is a Place is a collaboration between Tibetan Chinese dancer/ choreographer Sang Jijia and film-makers Katrina McPherson and Simon Fildes. The film combines the exquisite movement of Sang Jijia, with the stunning landscapes of the Scottish highlands and a soundtrack based on the hypnotic music of Philip Jeck.



Katrina McPherson is a director and award-winning artist whose creative, scholarly and educational work is at the forefront of the field of screendance. Over 30 years, she has collaborated with numerous dance artists, with her films and installations showcased at international festivals and galleries. She also made arts programs for the BBC, Channel Four, and ITV during her 15-year TV career as a television director. Katrina was awarded a PhD by Publication from Edinburgh Napier University in 2023 and is Course Leader of the MA Screendance and Researcher at London Contemporary Dance School.卡崔娜·麥弗森以其在舞蹈影像領域的開創性貢獻而聞名於世。過去30多年來,她與眾多舞蹈藝術家合作,在国际影展和画廊中呈現她的影像創作和装置作品。在她15年的電視導演生涯中,參與了BBCChannel FourITV等主要網絡的藝術節目製作。於2023年獲得愛丁堡納皮爾大學的出版博士學位, 她目前擔任倫敦當代舞蹈學院舞蹈影像碩士課程的課程負責人,同時也是該學院的研究員,繼續推動舞蹈與影像藝術的創作與發展。


西蒙.菲爾德斯(1962-2021)是一位獲獎無數的電影製作人、藝術家和教育家,他從事藝術工作近30 Simon Fildes (1962-2021) was an award winning film-maker, artist and teacher whose career spanned over three decades in both Scotland and internationally. He spent most of his working life as a freelance in the arts, music and media sectors while developing a globally acknowledged personal practice in creative media arts and dance on screen. Simon’s intent, in his own words, was to “transform the seemingly ordinary into a moment of beauty,” a task in which he overwhelmingly succeeded.

11.12 ㊁ 18:10〡台南新光影城 4 廳〡 Q&A session with the Director
11.17 ㊐ 10:30〡台南新光影城 4 廳
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Recording the wounded individuals and the time that was hollowed out in the era.
