Comme un poisson dans l’eau 



France|2004|Dance|Color|7 min|No Dialogue 

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A thirty-something midlife crisis unfolds as a frantic escapade in a city that appears both familiar and disorienting. In an effort to escape from himself, the middle-aged urban dweller, portrayed by dance artist Yuri Ng, attempts to break all physical and metaphysical boundaries by wandering around the city in the most unconventional manner. The film acts as a time machine, transporting us back to the cityscape of Hong Kong in 2004, conjuring an alienated universe created by the renowned French video artist Seba Lallemand.


斯巴﹒ 拉勒蒙

Jean-Sébastien Lallemand aka Seba Lallemand was born in Saint Martin d'Heres (France) and lived in the Ivory Coast until he was 12 years old. After his studies, he joined Fabrica in 1998 where he had the chance to work both on visual design projects and the realization of a short film "Afterwords", which was presented at the Venice, Rotterdam, Paris, Croatia and Rome film festivals. In 2007, he worked as a cinematographer for Wang Bing, and as a director and a cinematographer for Ai Weiwei’s Fairy Tale project in the Kassel Documenta international exhibition (Germany). Since 2009, Seba relocates back in France and works as a painter and a freelance photographer.


11.12 ㊁ 18:10〡台南新光影城 4 廳〡 Q&A session with the Director
11.17 ㊐ 10:30〡台南新光影城 4 廳
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