Actual People


USA〡2021〡Fic〡Color〡84 min〡English
✧ 2021 Locarno 74’ Concorso Cineasti del presente
✧ 2021 Milano Film Festival—Aprile Award
✧ 2022 Jeonju International Film Festival

During her final week of college, Riley goes to great lengths to win the affections of a boy from her hometown of Philly, and ends up confronting her escalating anxieties about her love life, family, and future.



Kit ZAUHAR is an Asian-American writer, director, and actress from Philly, currently living in Chinatown, NYC. Her work explores desire, intimacy, loneliness, and humiliation.

Kit attended NYU Tisch School of the Arts where she received her BFA in Film and Television Production. Kit’s first short film, HELICOPTER, won Fusion Film Festival’s Best Undergrad Film award. It also played at Oak Cliff Film Festival, NFFTY, Lone Star Film Festival, and Unrestricted View Film Festival. Her thesis film, THE TERRESTRIALS, won Best Screenplay at Fantasia Film Festival: “Director/writer Kit ZAUHAR crafts a chamber piece that takes a close look at the intersection of sex and technology and how there’s still hope of finding connection in an increasingly digital world.” Kit is developing her second feature, 2 MEN 2 WOMEN, and her production company, Modern Pleasures.

10.14 ㊅ 19:00〡花蓮鐵道電影院




I made this film quite a while ago, Pre-pandemic. I was in a relationship that did not survive the pandemic. Living in my parent’s place in Philly with my best friend because I was really broke. In some ways, making this film helped me grow up into something more resembling a “woman,” a “filmmaker,” a “whole person,” whatever those words mean to you, and I think you could see that reflected in this film.

It’s a small slice of life. I just didn't have the funds for some huge production, but I wanted to make something substantial. I was very tired of making shorts. So I took a small budget and figured out a way to stretch it. What I had was friends (some of whom I begged to act, drive, both simultaneously). This one shitty week at NYU which I was drawing far too much inspiration from, and a free camera.

I was watching a lot of mumblecore, a genre I have a love/hate relationship with, and thought I could add to that canon. I genuinely love those films; I find them both comforting and inspiring. But I was always like, “Why is everyone white?” That just was not a world I related to or in my day-to-day life was really interested in. I had a strong desire to showcase the minutiae, the banality of the life of someone who is not often the focus of mumblecore/indie films: a young woman of color.

This film was a growing experience for me. I don’t think I’m going to return to making films that are based on real-life experiences because I don’t think what’s happened to me is the most interesting thing to explore. I want to think more deeply about characters that I have not met but that I’ve really birthed from my imagination, perhaps only subtly inspired by people who have entered or left my life. But I am extremely proud of what my friends and I created.

The film, in total, cost about $10K from start to finish due to a generous equipment donation from Rooster Films. It features a diverse ensemble cast of mostly non-actors that capture an authenticity and nuance I don’t often see in films. I believe that, if anything, ACTUAL PEOPLE is a testimony to how far compositions, performances, and narratives can be pushed through uninhibited and joyous filmmaking.


在欣賞《紐約真人類》時,大腦不斷浮出這些問題?導演用Rooster Films公司所提供的免費攝影機,拍攝她的劇情長片。看電影的過程當中,常常跟自己說,不可能是劇情片吧?看起來就像是用家庭錄影機錄下來剪接成的紀錄片,怎麼會是劇情長片?這當然是我的偏見,我有限的觀賞經驗裡,扁平的覺得紀錄片畫質就該是沒有很好。想說的事情是,《紐約真人類》,它真實到讓我意識不到有演員、有一雙導演之手、有一個結構式的編劇操作其中;只有攝影機分鏡的時刻,才讓我意識到這是有編排的戲。



11.06 ㊐ 12:40〡台南新光影城 4 廳〡 Q&A session with the Director
11.08 ㊁ 17:40〡台南新光影城 4 廳
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