Where are We Going?

Lam Sum

Hong Kong〡2017〡Fic〡46min〡Color〡Cantonese〡English Subtitle
2018 香港獨立電影節 香港導演短片集

"Where are we going, dad?" asked by Cindy. Hak, a full-time driver who live in an illegal sub-divided flat in an industrial building with his daughter Cindy. Living condition is far from ideal but a proper property though. But after all they are still satisfied to live in this “boxed in” environment. One day, authorities suddenly crack down their illegal residence because of land use regulations.


Lam Sum

Born in Hong Kong. Lam is an independent short film and documentary filmmaker graduated from School of Film and TV, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (APA FTV), specializing in directing. Lam is also a social movement activist, his work are mostly focus on social issue.




這個題材與自己有關。我的孩子兩歲,我們跟父母一起住,因為香港的房租很高,很難離開家裡。但有了孩子後會想,要怎麼生活,最後選擇搬出去住。 我的工作在工業大廈,大廈被政府查封,因為很有感觸,所以拍了這部片。 跟編劇談論劇本時,從前的我看到發生社會事件時,就會跑去現場抗議,香港這幾年被大議題影響,每個人都開始有參與意願。我想,不去抗爭的人是怎樣看待的,我想拍攝的是這部分。 場景設定的最初,是根據香港的真實事件,房屋被政府強收、被迫搬離。我喜歡高速公路上的兩個天橋,之前曾在這裡拍攝,每天經過;從小讀書的地方,有很多新舊公共房屋的對應,我喜歡,所以選擇這個地方。 我跟編劇討論會安排扭蛋的想法是因為,扭蛋靠的是技術也是運氣,跟片中主角遭遇的人生很像,一種環境無法改變、但又想給女兒關愛的心情。 在結尾安排不要太悲,就跟我們的生活一樣,冷靜下來,明天依舊要生活。