ISOBE Shinya

Japan|2020| Exp|Color|10 min|Japanese

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Thirteen-second interval shots, multiple exposures, fixed point observations of celestial objects, 16mm film, and the five years of time, consisting half of my thirties. Should I say that it is a beautiful anachronism of 21st century heliography? Should it be a solitary sun worship that manifests the poetics of light that has become history? In the middle of the film lies unforgettable colors and sounds, where the moment of“ loss of consciousness” intersects with the moment of “return to consciousness.”


ISOBE Shinya

He began making films in 1997. DAILY LIFE, DAY AFTER DAY (1999) was nominated for the 14th Image Forum Festival, and LA-I-KA-WA-AH (2023) won the Award for Excellence at the 37th Image Forum Festival. In 2021, he purchased a ukulele bass and started the bass fingering exercises. While practicing scales daily, he is considering the relationship between sound and movement (mainly the pinky finger). Forum影展,而《LA-I-KA-WA-AH》(2023年)獲得第37屆Image Forum影展優秀獎。2021年,他購入一把烏克麗麗並開始練習。在每天練習音階的同時,他也在思考聲音與動作(主要是小姆指)的關係。


11.12 ㊁ 20:40〡台南新光影城 4 廳〡 Q&A session with the Director
11.16 ㊅ 10:30〡台南新光影城 4 廳
同場放映:《ㄌㄞˊㄎㄜˋㄨㄚㄎㄜˋ 》《美麗又曖昧的我們日本 》《回家路上》《吃人之湖》

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