Yun Hsien HUANG
台灣 | 2016 | 動畫 | 18min | 彩色 | 國語發音 | 中英字幕
★ 2016 金馬獎 最佳動畫短片入圍
★ 2017 台北電影節 最佳動畫片入圍
★ 2017 金穗獎 一般組最佳動畫片
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Yun Hsien HUANG

Sian born 1982 into a craftsman's family, she started selling her dough at temple when she was a child. She dedicated herself in transforming the Chinese dough-crafting tradition into her stop-motion animation work. Sian believes that the stop-motion animation and dough-crafting both emphasize on the unique hand-made spirit. She hopes to show the different expressions of the declining traditional culture.