Can You Hear Me?
Nien Hsiu LI
Taiwan〡2021〡Fic〡Color〡36 min〡Mandarin
✧ 2022 Taipei Film Festival – Best Short Film Nominees, Best Screenplay Nominees
✧ 2022 Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival
✧ 2022 The 27th ifva Awards, Asian New Force Category – Special Mention
Jhong wakes up at home and finds himself dead. He watches his wife and children dealing with his death while they speak their thoughts over breakfast. Shortly after, absurd incidents begin to happen: Jhong’s spirit starts nagging by his own corpse, the son is afraid his mother will be charged with manslaughter, the policeman who comes to help is terrified upon seeing the spirit of Jhong, and Jhong’s wife insists on taking her husband’s corpse for a walk at the riverbank. Although his wife couldn’t hear what he has to say, she comprehends what’s on his mind.
Nien Hsiu LI

Through her editing experience for more than a decade, LI has acquired a good eye for character and has started working as a writer and director in recent years.
11.05 ㊅ 15:20〡台南新光影城 4 廳〡★ Q&A session with the Director
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When my dad was still alive, he would always nag me about not listening to him. Now that he’s gone, I miss his nagging and regret never paying attention to what he had to say. He left so suddenly that the absurd incidents that happened that day are still vivid in my mind. I deeply realized that family members are the ones who don’t listen to each other but understand what’s on each other’s minds.