For Izzy

Alex CHU

USA〡2018〡Fic〡84min〡Color〡English, Cantonese〡English Subtitle
2019 俄勒岡迷惑亞洲電影節 最佳劇情長片
2019 西雅圖亞洲電影節 評審團特別獎
2018 洛杉磯亞太影展 評審團特別獎

FOR IZZY tracks what happens after a retired divorcee, Anna, and her queer daughter, Dede, struggling with addiction and heartbreak move next door to a lonely widowed father, Peter, and his autistic adult daughter, Laura. Anna, a burnt out investment banker who feels cheated by time and parenthood, finds a companion in Peter, a lonely accountant whose life revolves around his only daughter Laura. Their unexpected romance brings lightness and energy back into their lives, a second chance.


Alex CHU

Raised in Libya, Alex has lived across Asia, Canada and the US. As writer-director, his most recent film FOR IZZY recently won the Audience Awards at Frameline 42, the Asian American Film Festival, and Ashland Independent Film Festival, as well as the Grand Jury Prize at the Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival. His previous works as writer-director include the feature YES, AND… , as well as the short film FORTUNE COOKIE MAGIC TRICKS , a gay zombie martial arts musical and The Wall Street short drama THE EQUITY PARTNERS . Outside of filmmaking, he is an activist, most recently as Committee Chair for Digital Media at the March For Science LA. He graduated with a BA from Queen’s University and an MBA from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.
