Freedom Under the Wall
Chih Wen LIN
Taiwan〡2020〡Fic〡26min〡Color〡Mandarin, Taiwanese〡English Subtitle
✧ 2021 金穗獎 最佳劇情片獎(學生組)入圍
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In 1949, the Republic of China suffered a major defeat in the Chinese Civil War, and the Government was forced to relocate to Taiwan. The Government enacted the Declaration of Martial Law in Taiwan, prosecuted anyone who was suspected to be Chinese communists spy. Tin, an innocent farmer, was falsely accused and imprisoned. During the days in jail, Tin got lots of support from his inmate, Kok. With the hope that Kok gave him, Tin gradually found that it is impossible for him to be released from prison.
Chih Wen LIN

A Student at Taipei University of the Art, department of the filmmaking. Hoping to be a director.
南方影展藝術總監.黃柏喬、影展人員.楊珂溦〡25min〡28 OCT 2020
「當我看到越多史料,發現自己越難為劇本下任何的設定與判斷,口述歷史經常各說各話...我認為歷史題材的故事,很難用快速的時間寫出來,也許這份史料判定某個人犯了罪,在下一份史料中又被推翻,這是前期寫劇本時遇到最多的問題。」- 林治文