Happy Soup
SHIH Hsin-Yi
Taiwan〡2021〡Ani〡Color〡5 min〡Mandarin〡Asia Premiere
Home / 巡迴片單 / 南方影展專題單元 / Competition
The character states are shown by visual metaphors, described in the age of internet development, we receive a lot of information every single day, this kind of rapid change causes our mental fatigue and paralysis.
SHIH Hsin-Yi

Bachelor in Fine Arts, Tunghai University, Taiwan (2014-2018)
Graduate Institute of Animation and Film Art, Tainan National University of the Art, Taiwan (2018-2021)
9月後Coming Soon〡東華大學 民族語言與傳播學系
本片過目難忘,如邪教般迷人卻非看不可的神奇佳作 ! 我們在自由的假象中被實質操控了嗎? 看似簡約的視覺表現卻帶出漫不經心的昏迷時代,人類身心被特定意圖牽著跑的現象 。看作者如何在5分鐘內駭入你的大腦,安裝無限循環的快樂湯?
The content of this film explains the collective sentiment generated by human beings under the rapid development of Internet technology. The collective sentiment in this article focus on the negative parts, such as indulging in the virtual illusion of the Internet, the discomfort of switching between the virtual and the reality, knowing that when the virtual illusion ends, there will be a sense of emptiness but still feel anxiety about the absence of the Internet, forming a state of looping.
11.06 ㊐ 12:40〡台南新光影城 4 廳〡★ Q&A session with the Director
11.08 ㊁ 17:40〡台南新光影城 4 廳
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