WANG Wei-Fan

Taiwan〡2024〡 Ani〡Color〡5 min〡Mandarin
✧2024 安錫國際動畫影展入圍

✧2024 薩格勒布動畫影展
✧2024 台灣酷兒國際影展入圍

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I’ve practiced these words for 20 years now, but maybe being candid isn’t the best idea. At this moment, I decide to stop, starting the countdown again, another cycle of 20 years. Maybe it might be the right time by then.


WANG Wei-Fan

WeiFan Wang is an animation director based in Taipei and London. After he finished his animation study in Taipei National University of the Arts, he pursued further study at the Royal College of Art and started the experimentation with expanded animation. His films mainly inspired from his interpersonal relationships and once received the nominations such as Animafest Zagreb, Annecy International Animation Film Festival and ASIFA International Animation Day.

11.03  ㊐ 15:30 〡永成戲院〡免費入場
11.11  ㊀ 15:30〡台南新光影城 4 廳〡 Q&A session with the Director
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11.08  ㊄ 19:50〡台南新光影城 4 廳〡動畫馬拉松
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The script of the animated film comes from my own experience of internally rehearsing coming out as gay to my father for over 20 years. I hope to create a queer animation work with no love story, no quarrels, but purely private and introverted, bringing a gentler perspective to our society and let people understand and discuss about the other side of the queer community.
