Kissing The Ground You Walked On

HONG Heng-Fai

Macau〡2022〡Fic〡Color〡94 min〡Cantonese
✧2023 香港國際電影節新秀電影競賽(華語)最佳導演
✧2023 鹿特丹國際影展 未來之光單元
✧2022 金馬獎 最佳新導演、最佳攝影、最佳音效 入圍

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A story revolving around two men: a half-retired novelist and his tenant. There is a day when the novelist gets an opportunity to write a new book. While he is contemplating his new masterpiece, he has an internal struggle as to what his ideal is like. Here comes his tenant, a young man who eventually gives him inspirations not only on his upcoming book, but also on his vision of life, through an intriguing relation intertwining the two men.


HONG Heng-Fai

Macau film director, with the first film "Kissing the Ground You Walked On" (2022) won the Best Director award in the Young Cinema Competition (Chinese Language) of the Hong Kong International Film Festival, the film was also selected by the Rotterdam International Film Festival(IFFR), São Paulo International Film Festival (MOSTRA), and received three nominations for Best New Director, Best Cinematography, and Best Sound Effects at the 59th Golden Horse Awards. His short film "Crash" was selected by multiple international film festivals and won awards at the Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival, the Southern Taiwan Film Festival, and the China Independent Film Festival. It also became the first Macau film to be nominated for the Golden Horse Awards.

11.03 ㊐ 13:00 〡永成戲院〡免費入場
11.16 ㊅ 18:30〡台南新光影城 4 廳〡 Q&A session with the Director

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When working as an actor, it is found that the most difficult task is not portraying others, but understanding oneself; when working as a writer creating stories, the most challenging aspect is not constructing the plot, but empathizing with the characters. The origins of these two roles' outward imaginations also involve inward exploration - this proposition closely related to life seems to offer a direction worth delving into when contemplating the meaning of art.
