Letters to Buriram

Min-Wook OH

South Korea〡2019〡Doc〡126min〡Color〡Mandarin, Hakka, Korean, Japanese〡English Subtitle
11.08(日) 20:00 線上座談︱南方影展官方臉書

Last night, an earthquake occurred in Hualien. Lots of tourists China have been buried. Today is the day when the earthquake hit the Tainan two years ago. The night that the earthquake has shaken the whole land is not easily forgotten. Mother, do you remember the earthquake in Nantou? I might be in your womb then. I hope buried people would rescue safely. Last fall, I have met a man from South Korea. He has come to Tainan to attend the film festival. After he left, I received a letter. He asked me visiting Kinmen with him, in September.


Min-Wook OH

Born in 1985 in Busan. South Korea. Using a documentary format. His works have persistently focused on observing the layers of time embedded in the landscapes of Busan. He directed A Landscape Between Past and Future(2015), about a massacre that took place in his parent’s hometown. Feature documentary A Roar of the Prairie(2015) has won the Jury Prize and the Strong Will Prize at the 41st Seoul Independent Film Festival. His recent works are shifting from screening to the form of exhibition, expanding his boundary. His latest work The documentary Letters to Buriram(2019) illustrates odd scenarios and stories of East Asia after WWII, through the voice of a Taiwanese girl by sending letter to her mother.


主持人|藝術總監 / 黃柏喬

EP.28 釜山歐巴的奇幻旅程〡專訪《海峽》導演吳敏旭、製片-蕭凱慈

南方影展藝術總監.黃柏喬〡35min〡21 OCT 2020

「普渡場景都是在金門拍的,韓國幾乎沒有這樣的習俗了。去到那邊的時候,發現裡頭有兩到三個世界:人跟人、死人跟死人、死人跟活人,同時存在於街道上的風景 ...」--吳敏旭

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