Neither Buddha Nor God–Running Script
LIU Hsing-Hsin, Cherlyn
USA, Taiwan〡2021〡Exp〡Color, B&W〡13 min〡Mandarin, English
✧2022 FLorida EXperimental Film and Video Festival
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The film looks at different time-scales, contrasting the drift of tectonic motion to the ephemerality and instability of organic life. Running script is a style of Chinese calligraphy that has a semi-formal, slightly abbreviated character. It attempts to capture the elusive thoughts and feelings that occur in the moment of writing. The scanning technique was inspired by early cameraless filmmaking. Objects are placed directly on the scanner and moved, consciously or unconsciously, as light passes through them with successive images creating a record of their movement.
LIU Hsing-Hsin, Cherlyn

Cherlyn Hsing-Hsin LIU (Kaohsiung, Taiwan) is an interdisciplinary artist, filmmaker and writer whose work is grounded in literature and the conceptual avant-garde. Cherlyn’s creative activity often starts from a life event or curiosity concerning an anomaly in language or in the material world. It continues by employing methods drawn from both Eastern and Western practices and philosophies. Her working method at various times involves handcrafted material, mixed media, and experimental interchange between new and old technologies.
09.26 ㊁ 13:30〡雲林科技大學 圖書館
10.28 ㊅ 〡臺北數位藝術中心
同場放映:《土星頻道 》《1/5400 單格舞曲》《非常,非常,非常地》
雜揉以多種影像媒材如 CT scan、風景靜照、家庭電影、手持攝影等影像進行數位動態加工。掃描自父親身體的醫學影像(與其以字卡呈現的檢查報告),疊合、兼容美洲大陸的景物肌理、不對位卻飽含東方氛圍的音景風光 (Sound Scape)。若陳界仁的〈凌遲考〉是一股由身體外向內的唯物窺探,本作品則反其道將聲畫的的科學理性,反轉為一段由親人身體出發的感知旅程。
This film began when my father was diagnosed with an illness and embarked upon a long medical journey. All the exam reports and scans referred to life in the most accurate but also the most abstract way. What could these numbers and measurements say about a person? Looking at the mountains, the earth, and the ocean, I pondered the impermanence of individuals.
11.06 ㊐ 15:20〡台南新光影城 4 廳
11.09 ㊂ 13:00〡台南新光影城 4 廳〡★ Q&A session with the Director
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