Satan Smiting Me

WANG Hung-Yu

Taiwan〡2023〡Fic〡Color〡23 min〡Mandarin
2024 藝美獎剪輯、美術、聲音設計獎

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A man who was sexually abused by his father as a teenager, addicted to psychedelic drugs. He watched his half-brother enjoy a happy childhood, saw his father's love for his brother. All the hatred drove him crazy. He drugged his father with pure LSD,dress himself up as the devil. He was going to avenge his father in hell.


WANG Hung-Yu

A cross-media artist, big fan of Cult films. Trying to integrate bloody, violent, and sexual elements to interpret myths and fables in a modern way, and believes that purity can be achieved through the extreme of violence.

11.08 ㊄ 16:10 〡台南新光影城 4 廳〡 Q&A session with the Director
11.13 ㊂ 20:10 〡台南新光影城 4 廳
同場放映:《夏夢迴》《Once Upon a Time There Was a Mom 》《死囡仔 》
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In my childhood, I experienced violence from my father and this trauma has always been a shadow in my mind. When I was exposed to the culture of sexual abuse, I realized that sexual abuse is an act of relieving internal trauma by creating physical pain and power relationships. I combined this with my analysis of Georges Bataille's approach to love and death to create revenge amid hatred and ecstasy.
