Stay If You Can/ Go If You Must
Elysa Wendi
Hong Kong, Singapore〡2019〡Exp〡12min〡BW〡No Dialogue〡English Subtitle
Home / Film / Competition
The film expresses the experience and emotion of two Hong Kong artists about the current political movement through metaphor of frozen ice and smoke.
Elysa Wendi

Elysa Wendi is a Singaporean artist and filmmaker based in Hong Kong. Preoccupied with the abstraction of memory from place, time and biographical traces, Elysa Wendi explores her works in film, photography and performance. In 2015, Wendi co-founded Cinemovement, a platform to facilitating the creation of inter-disciplinary filmic works through a laboratory setting. She has won the best experimental film in South Taiwan Film Festival 2018 with her film 1958 Delivery and best documentary film in Hong Kong Arthouse Film Festival 2020 with her film Forgive or Not to Forgive.
EP.29、EP30 浮城一夢闖江湖(上下集)〡專訪《夜更》導演郭臻、《記憶中混濁的霧是我的畫像》導演葉奕蕾、《房間525》導演葉奕蕾、李偉盛
南方影展藝術總監.黃柏喬 、南方影展競賽統籌.張喬勛〡31min〡21 OCT 2020
南方影展藝術總監.黃柏喬 、南方影展競賽統籌.張喬勛〡20min〡24 OCT 2020