The Darkest Night

Tze Wei TOH

Taiwan, Malaysia〡2019〡Fic〡19min〡Color〡Mandarin, Malay, Hokkien dialect〡English Subtitle
✧ 2020 金穗獎 劇情片-學生作品類入圍
✧ 2019 東南亞短片影展 新浪潮單元入圍
✧ 2019 歐洲攝影影展 最佳學生導演獎

In1980s, Zhen Xi Primary School was forced to close by the government because of the small number of people. The school's principal, LIN Cai Liang, had no choice but to leave school. Gradually, there are often Malay officials in uniform in the village. They lobbied day after day in various households, hoping that they would move their children to the Malay school in the next village to continue school. Many parents are worried about their children's education. Ming Xia is not willing to go to Malay school. Ming Xia hopes that the principal can reopen Zhen Xi Primary School after get the seal back.


Tze Wei TOH

My name is Tze Wei. I am a director from Malaysia. I directed five short films during my school days in Taiwan.



EP.36 大馬女孩來開槓〡專訪《鐵樹開了花》導演杜芷慧

南方影展藝術總監.黃柏喬、宣傳統籌.劉映辰 〡26min〡04 Nov 2020


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