This Is A Chicken Coop 


HO Qi-Wo, Er Gao 

China|2016| Dance、 Exp|Color|17 min| No Dialogue  

Home  /  Film  /  Panorama

Post-reformation China is a place of massive shifts and migrations. Much like in the factory farming of poultry, which forces formerly free-roaming birds into coops, this film situates the bodies of migrant labourers within the urban machineries of production and control, doomed to repeat cycles of consumption, just like chicken.



HO Qi-Wo, Er Gao

Graduated from Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Er Gao is now working as a multi-media dance artist whose works straddling between dance, film, installation and other creative strategies. Er Gao founded Er Gao Dance Production Group in 2007 in Guangzhou, with a focus on dance theatre, dance film, community art and dance education. His productions continuously see the body as the primary medium of work and the site of artistic investigation, exploring diverse strategies to explore Chinese social and cultural identities, sex, gender and other topics. In 2015, German’s media “Deutsche Welle” named Ergao as one of the bright stars of contemporary dance in China.


11.12 ㊁ 18:10〡台南新光影城 4 廳〡 Q&A session with the Director
11.17 ㊐ 10:30〡台南新光影城 4 廳
同場放映:《A Missing Scene from Floral Princess: An untold suicide of the last Ming emperor》《180°・78°14’n 15°36’e・2013》《跳房子》《流離都市》《有一個地方》

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隨著中國 70 年代末的改革開放之後,城市化的加速、地區間經濟的鴻溝和人口被經濟磁場造成的候鳥化遷徙,人們對於家園和鄉土的認知已經發生了質的變化。就像雞場裡沒有一隻雞能逃脫現代科技的影響,只是一個影響度的差別而已,都是在被馴化、進化。城市就是現代化的雞場!而人類卻變成了被馴養的雞。試想像人類回到原來的狀態,傳統的規則不再適用。試想像人類反主為客,不再是萬物之靈,而是被另一個生命體主宰,又是什麼樣的世界?你曾經想過嗎?當我們在觀察並且對待其它生物時,他們也正在觀察與對待我們。 隨著中國 70 年代末的改革開放之後,城市化的加速、地區間經濟的鴻溝和人口被經濟磁場造成的候鳥化遷徙,人們對於家園和鄉土的認知已經發生了質的變化。就像雞場裡沒有一隻雞能逃脫現代科技的影響,只是一個影響度的差別而已,都是在被馴化、進化。城市就是現代化的雞場!而人類卻變成了被馴養的雞。試想像人類回到原來的狀態,傳統的規則不再適用。試想像人類反主為客,不再是萬物之靈,而是被另一個生命體主宰,又是什麼樣的世界?你曾經想過嗎?當我們在觀察並且對待其它生物時,他們也正在觀察與對待我們。
