When the Silence Comes
Chun Ting CHANG
Taiwan〡2020〡Ani〡7min〡Color〡No Dialogue
Home / Film / Competition
Silent moments in the different spaces of the city, long and boring elevators, meeting rooms that can't communicate, and alienated people. However, as they move through these spaces, they gradually realize that the city has more than one appearance.
Chun Ting CHANG

Animation Creator, Designer. based in Taichung. Graduated from the Institute of Animation and Film art at Tainan National University of the Arts. I Like to go to exhibitions, walk my dog, and travel.
EP.11 用聲音窺探動畫師的創作過程〡專訪《當沉默來的時候》導演張郡庭
南方影展藝術總監.黃柏喬、宣傳統籌.劉映辰〡26min〡19 SEP 2020
《當沉默來的時候》是一部沒有對白,但充滿細節的作品。「我想探討人們在一些場所的行為,他們的是比較靜止、沒有交流的狀態,去講疏離的這個議題。」── 張郡庭