A Woman Is A Woman

Maisy Goosy SUEN

Hong Kong〡2018〡Fic〡93min〡Color〡Cantonese〡English Subtitle〡輔導級12+
2019 臺灣國際女性影展 閉幕片
2019 香港獨立電影節 開幕片
2019 阿姆斯特丹跨性別影展TransScreen 觀眾票選獎

"A Woman Is A Woman" features the story of two transwomen Sung Chi Yu and Chiu Ling Fung. Sung Chi Yu hides her identity of transwoman after her surgery and recreate her new life with a family and also a step daughter. Everything seems to be fine till her identity is accidentally discovered by her husband. The discovery was a shock to the man who couldn't accept her past resulting in the collapse of the lovely family. Chiu Ling Fung always knows she is different. As a little boy, she thinks and behaves like a girl but never dares to think much of it. Raised by a religious, conservative family, she is told to man-up and act like himself. At the age of 16, she starts to explore the notion of love and panics when she could only dream as a girl.


Maisy Goosy SUEN

Born in 1994 and started taking pictures when she was 8. And she approached theatre drama when she was in high school. In Hong Kong Baptist University. She has made a few short films when she was studying in school and has taken part in some feature film production. In 2017/18 she directed A Woman Is A Woman , her first indie feature film. The movie was produced and shot entirely in Hong Kong.
