WONG Weng-Chon
Macau〡2021〡Ani〡Color〡8 min〡Cantonese
✧ 2021 Macao Films & Videos Panorama–Grand Jury Prize
✧ Paris International Animation Film Festival–Original Prize for a film with a sensitive and audacious technique in the Horizon Competition
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During a short trip, a young man and his grandmother are confronted with horrible memories. Amidst grandma’s usual nonstop nagging, it feels as if suffering will persist simultaneously in the past and the present.
WONG Weng-Chon

WONG Weng-Chon, a Macao post-90s director with a curly eyebrow, graduated from the Shih Chien University Department of Communication Design. His short film WONG, BITTER GOURD was selected by Animafest Zagreb student film competition and the Taipei Film Festival in 2019.
09.26 ㊁ 13:30〡雲林科技大學 圖書館
10.28 ㊅ 〡臺北數位藝術中心
I tried to explore the fear that comes to me whenever I spend some time with my grandma. After taking a moment to think about our relationship I enjoyed organizing my thoughts around these ideas to make a short film. This process may not necessarily lead me to any answers and even take me somewhere I don't want to be at, and still be constructive.
11.07 ㊀ 12:30〡台南新光影城 4 廳〡★ Q&A session with the Director
11.10 ㊃ 15:20〡台南新光影城 4 廳
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