The Frolic
Taiwan〡2021〡Ani〡Color〡5 min〡No Dialogue
✧ 2021 67th International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, Children’s and youth film, Official Selection (Germany)
✧ 2021 38th Chicago International Children's Film Festival, Animated Short, Official Selection
✧ 2021 Taichung International Animation Festival, Student Short, Official Selection (Taiwan)
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The children are having frolic with the insects on the lawn.

Jhao Yi-Han, born in Tainan, Taiwan, receiving an M.F.A degree in animation and film art from Tainan National University of the Arts. Specialize in hand-drawn animation and morphing. Her film conveys the ambivalence about feeling through the elements of children and insects.
05.04 ㊃ 13:30〡高雄科技大學 藝文中心(燕巢校區)
時而優雅清透彷彿兒時的夏日, 時而沉重狂亂似缺糧的寒冬,觀眾將隨著虛實的線條輕鬆遊走在天真和殘酷的生命道路上。觀影過程驚喜不斷,全然不知下一幕映入眼簾的會是何種風景? 這樣的未知也非常點題。若說是創作者向觀眾提問也不為過,誰來解釋何謂生命?提問的同時也在找尋。
The inspiration comes from the memory of chasing locusts in my childhood. It reveals the terror, repression and conflict between children and insects, which were concealed in THE FROLIC. The unpredictable rhythm is created by means of combining the real ambient sound with virtual sound made by synthesizer.
11.06 ㊐ 10:20〡台南新光影城 4 廳〡Buying Tickets〡同場放映《洞》《吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮》《婆婆跳舞》〡★ Q&A session with the Director
11.10 ㊃ 10:30〡台南新光影城 4 廳〡Buying Tickets〡同場放映《宿舍》《治癒之鼓》