The Scenery Through the Smog

SHIH Ho Feng

Taiwan〡2018〡Doc〡60min〡Color〡Mandarin, Taiwanese〡English Subtitle

Day and night, smokes come out of the chimneys of the plant, the largest petrochemical plant which provides employment for the town people. The issue in hand is not simply about the environment, but also a town’s people and their livelihood. When confronted with changes, where can you go and what can you do?


SHIH Ho Feng

Born in Yunlin County, Shih Ho-feng graduated from the Graduate Institute of Studies in Documentary at Tainan National University of the Arts. His family´s business in the traditional industries has such profound influence on him that in his works, Shih often conveys the disappearing cultures as society moves with the times. His visual style is known for its calmness and serenity; through his observation in the real setting, the essence of everyday life is captured on film.



當時,有一群中、南部的導演,意識到空汙的嚴重性,提出一個『 脫口罩找藍天 』影像行動計劃,透過行動的發起,讓越來越多人知道這個議題。
我認為環境類型的記錄片不單只有一個議題,另一件事情,是站在運動者的角度跟居民溝通;當我們享受便利之餘,是誰在背後承擔風險、危險,與居民一起討論,才能打破議題的本身。 影片在思考的,是拋出什麼是代價這個點,認識空汙,要理解一點脈絡。 北部以商業、南部以工業為主,從工業到商業的發展,工業在高雄的成功,把成功移到雲林,以為六輕蓋下去就能像台北的成功,而我個人的認知,應該是要站在居民的角度去思考。 大家都知道麥寮,但有真正去過嗎?有一次,在台北放映,有同學發問:「 導演,拍這部片是要叫我們不要去麥寮?不要吃那裡的東西嗎?」對我來說,我沒有辦法不去想當地人的心情,也是突破同溫層的理解。